Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Have I Been Doing...

Many new things are in the works for technology and education. Let me catch you up to speed.
I have been working at a K-2 school that houses 600 children. I love my job! The teachers have started implementing technology into their everyday curriculum, and I am finding new ways to address student needs. We have been using Odyssey (by Compass Learning) to measure student achievement towards standards in Math. I fell in love with Odyssey many years ago, but I am renewing my vows with Compass Learning (so to speak) in light of my new understanding of how Odyssey can revolutionize the data management system that is lacking in everyday education.
I emailed the CEO of Compass Learning, and I recently heard back from a designee of said CEO that wishes to discuss how I think Compass Learning can become the Google of education.

Interested by that thought? STAY TUNED.... if you are in the same boat as many other schools and teachers, the idea that Compass Learning can be your one stop shop for Data Management might revolutionize the way you think and the amount of money your system is bleeding.

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