Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Interviews - Things Students are not Taught

My student reporters were given the assignment to conduct an interview and write the interview as an article for our Tiger's Telegraph site. A few of the students have already written interviews, and I had no specified a particular template to use. I brought up a site that had instructions for writing an interview on Monday, and described the formats provided on the following link.

Students have two options when writing their interviews. They can use the news story, or they can follow the Q and A format. The site links to another site that has transcript examples of interview formats. Clicking on the next image will take you to other transcript examples.

The students had to access their Google Docs page and write down 10 questions they wanted to ask their subject. When the student editor read and approved their questions, they were printed off and given to the student for their interview. I am excited to see what the students write!

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